
We provide accurate handwriting analysis for the writer who wants to get to know their personalities and it is extremely useful tool in identifying the quality and capacity of an individual talents and powerful behavioral and initiative models.

What is Graphology?

We were all taught to write in a specific way when we were children at school, but it is evident that no one continues to write exactly the way they were taught and everyone’s handwriting looks different. In fact as soon as someone can write, he or she gradually alters the shape & size of the letters in accordance with individuals likes and dislikes.

The reason is that our personalities affect the way our handwriting develops after we were taught to write. This is because handwriting is the pattern of our psychology expressed in symbols on the page and these symbols are as unique as our own finger prints.

Hence Graphology is the science involved in producing a personality of the writer by analysing the traits and strokes. Handwriting analysis is an effective and reliable indicator of personality and behaviour and also useful tool for many occupational processes.

  • • Improvement of Concentration
  • • Creative Skills
  • • Productivity
  • • Thinking Patterns
  • • Building up of Confidence
  • • Setting Goals

Purpose of Graphology:

Its purpose is to give a realistic view on problems that conflict people from all walks and every day of their lives.

One day Workshop Topics

Building Relationship:

• Handwriting analysis can help to build a better understanding & improving communication

• It helps to improve your self esteem

• It helps to make success in life

• Handwriting analysis can help to build a better understanding & improving communication