Handwriting courses

Step into the Handwriting Future

Handwriting is a universal skill that does not discriminate against sex, race, colour or creed. Graphology gives an unbiased outline of the unique personality without their even being present.

What is Handwriting?

Handwriting is a style or manner of writing by hand. Just as there are no two people in the world with the same DNA and fingerprints, there are no two people in the world with the same handwriting which is why graphology is so valuable. Handwriting is a neuro muscular activity which activates the brain. It is a very complex skill to master which involves linguistic, cognitive, perceptual and motor components all of which have to be coordinated into an integrated fashion. Hence handwriting is also called as brain writing. Although we take it for granted, some people young and old, find handwriting very difficult to perform and they feel help to perfect the skill. Supports from specialist like us with expertise and experience is nearly always appreciated.

Why Handwriting Is Important?

Legible writing that can be produced comfortably, at speed and with little conscious effort allows a child to attend to higher level aspects of writing composition and content. It is important when assessments are based on written work; particularly in time limited written examinations which remain a major form of assessment for many formal qualifications. Without fast and legible writing, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under achieve academically.

Beyond formal education, most employment situations will involve at least some handwriting for critical information. Eg : Medical notes, prescription) etc. Thus, handwriting with pen and paper still has an important role from early childhood through our adult lives, but more and more, people are shifting from paper to electronic modes of communication. Interestingly though, many personal computers now possess handwriting recognition capability so that handwriting as means of interacting with computers is becoming more pervasive. It seems, therefore, that even in this modern age, handwriting remains as important skill of communication.

In addition, handwriting is used in jotting down a shopping list, writing a birthday card, taking down a phone message, completing a form at the bank and even used in making judgment about us. All in all handwriting is a part of our daily lives.

Handwriting is a style or manner of writing by hand

Handwriting is a neuro muscular activity which activates the brain. It is a very complex skill to master which involves linguistic, cognitive, perceptual and motor components all of which have to be coordinated into an integrated fashion. Hence handwriting is also called as brain writing.

Learn from the Experts

Join our course and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.