Customized Graphotherapy

There are specific strokes related to certain personality traits in graphology. The graphologists evaluate the relative strengths of different traits and the effect of one trait upon another. “Grapho Therapy” helps in defining long term goals, improves will power, determination, creative abilities. It also helps to get over negative traits like irritability, short temper, jealously, resentment and depression.


IIH generates relevant reports of handwriting analysis on each and every handwriting sample. Accordingly we provide grapho therapy to the requirement of the clients according to their age, profession and where exactly grapho therapy is needed.

Our Expert Services

In IIH, we provide Grapho therapies through writing to the specific changes in the person’s personality to ease the problems they are facing in daily life. This is one of the most effective, economical and easiest way to change oneself without much effort.

To whom this service is for :

• Can be done to the interested persons who wants some changes in their personality traits.